Learn New Skills

Our organization relies heavily on volunteers.
We are contacted by organizations to fill their needs! some examples of projects we have worked on in the past or present are:
-Heart shaped cardiac pillows
-Blanket for group homes
- Teddy Bears
- Scent pads for NICU
- Newborn baby hats
For ideas, send us an email stitchitforwarded@gmail.com
We also need volunteers to help us plan and prepare for upcoming fundraisers which will include:
-fabric and craft sale
-5 Km Walk/Run
-Movie Night in the Park
Apply today to be a volunteer.
What to learn a new skill?
we can set you up wiht a mentor to get you going! Work on meaningful projects to help others!

We need volunteers willing to teach sewing, quilting, knitting and crocheting skills.
If you have a unique crafting skill you would like to share, apply today to be a volunteer with us.

Volunteers will sew many items for those in need such as:
1. Quilts
2. Hats for chemotherapy patients
3. Cancer port covers
4. Seat belt covers
5. Up-cycle clothing
6. Alterations
7. Sleep apnea hose covers
8. Toys

We will protect the environment by re-using fabrics, up-cycling clothing and recycling paper products. We believe it is our responsible to protect our earth to the best of our ability.

We are inclusive and welcome volunteers new to Canada to share their skills learned in their homeland.

We will start youth after school / out of school programs teaching kids 8 years and older how to create and give back to their community.
Within the next two years, we want to start a 4-H Sewing Program.

We will help those in need by offering them items to make their challenges a little bit easier.
We will work collaboratively with other community organizations to ensure the needs are being made.

We will help people across Alberta because when people are facing lifes' challenges, we want to be the 'hug' that makes everything a little easier